Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday Setup

After spending Saturday night with my daughter's gymnastics team on their holiday sleepover I decided to spend all day Sunday setting up my week with all of the technology I learned over break.

It took about two pots of coffee but I am happy to say that I was able to set up lots and lots of neat stuff. I hope I remember it all come Monday.

I set up daily do now questions in a Sheets Discussions. The Discussions Tab from Alice Keeler was great for this. I am nervous to have all my classes on 1 spreadsheet so it was still tedious to create the same sheets for my 4 8th grade classes and then having to go back and update the sheets 4 times each of need be. Plus I have a 7th grade class that is on a completely separate Sheet as well. So I will just have to figure out a system as I go. 

I was also able to make a deeper discussion Sheet where the students would be reading a doc, answering questions, and copy and pasting their evidence. I have not made a copy for each class yet as my brain is technically throbbing. 

In between the discussion Sheets (hehe) I also created an interactive Form where I was able to insert a video and a diagram where the students could learn/review Point of View. The resources were followed up with excerpts from books where they had to choose the POV. At first I created this as a Doc, but thought it would be much easier to check as in Sheets. I will make charts of the results for the students to review thier answers. 

Links to all this stuff coming soon! 

Happy returns!! 

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